Our sourdough loaves have only 3 basic ingredients:
flour, water, and salt.
I like to think of ‘sourdough’ bread as the American slang term for any bread leavened using wild yeast and bacteria, instead of commercial leavening. Natural leavening coaxes the maximum flavor from wheat and other grains through long fermentation. This long fermentation builds air and flavor compounds, developing the texture and flavor in a crumb and crust of sourdough in a way a commercially leavened loaf will never taste.
Sourdough bread fermentation develops not only the flavor of wheat, and other grains, but also allows the nutrients to be more readily available for our bodies to absorb. This is perhaps why people who have previously had a tough time with gluten may find naturally leavened/sourdough bread is much easier to eat and digest.

Come By And Visit Us:
25 Katonah Avenue in Katonah NY.
We can’t wait to see you!